Why the Middle Passage?

Many people have questioned the Middle Passage as the focal point of the Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project (MPCPMP). Why choose this as a defining point of history related to Africans and their descendants? We are often asked why not start in Africa? There are three reasons: All people who were captives from the African Continent had to endure the Middle Passage to arrive in Europe or the Read More


Inside these walls, I could hear the voices that once cried out  — “voices of thousands of  slaves forced to work and build walls, position batteries, dig tunnels, place iron bars,    and drill wells . . .” (“Places of Memory”, UNESCO Habana) During a trip to Cuba this Spring 2014, one of our Executive Board members travelled to  the city of Matanzas, 56 miles east of Havana. The purpose Read More