American Histories

In the last post of 2012 and on this first day of Kwanza we encourage people to talk with elders, especially those in the family. What may be recorded and remembered will probably provide another historical viewpoint. For example, December 13th in the official US story is the day that George Washington died, first president of the republic and one of the founding fathers. For one family, however, it marks the Read More

Hope: The Days After

According to a Christian writer, the path to salvation requires faith, hope, and charity. He singles out charity as the greatest of the three. As we review the history of this hemisphere there is sufficient evidence to challenge that. In order to continue to invest and believe in a better tomorrow the underlying virtue may be hope, even before belief. This is written only days after the massacre of children Read More

Africans in Europe

This web blog on the Middle Passage has been offering a fuller explanation of the history of enslaved Africans than the traditional one many have known.  Of course, history tells the story of past events from a specific point of view; usually from the perspective of those who claim victory. Telling a people’s history is a matter of the power of persuasion as much as the recounting of information. For Read More

Here We Go Again

Over Thanksgiving weekend in Jacksonville, Florida, Jordan Russell Davis, a seventeen year old black male, was shot by Michael David Dunn, a white man. This time the young person’s death was triggered because he and his friends were, allegedly, playing music too loud in a car at a gas station and did not respond to Dunn’s request to turn it down. Since the incident, with no supporting evidence from witnesses Read More